What amenities are at the gym?
Bathrooms and showers, cubbies for coats/shoes/keys/phones, filtered water and water bottle filling stations, and fresh towels.
What equipment is there at Lift?
Treadmills, Ski Ergs, Spin Bikes, Ellipticals, Rowing Machines, Free Weights, Barbell Racks, Resistance Machines, TRX, Kettle Bells, Medicine Balls, Stability Balls, Bosu, Bands, Foam Rollers, Tennis Balls and Fascia Release balls, Perfect Push Ups, Jump Ropes, Battle Ropes
What kinds of classes are at the gym?
Classes include Strength, Cardio, HIIT, Bootcamps, classes incorporating partner Work, Stretching, and Recovery.
What is your Pet Policy?
For the safety and comfort of all our members, furry friends are not allowed inside the gym. We appreciate your understanding.
What is the parking situation like?
Members have the option of purchasing a lifetime parking pass for $20. The parking Passes may need to be exchanged quarterly to match the current pass and are valid 24/7 for the lot.
For Class Pass participants, parking in the designated lot is fine during class and may be given a temporary parking pass, but outside of normal operating hours a car may be towed at the owner's expense.
Please display parking passes where it is easily visible, such as the dashboard or hang it from the rearview mirror.
What should I do if I need to change, cancel, or upgrade my membership plan?
Please either reach out on the Contact Us page to request help changing your current plan or speak to the front desk staff.
I need to update my payment information, how should I do that?
Go to your LIFT app, navigate to payment methods in settings, and update your information. If you aren’t able to do it on your own, the front desk will be happy to update payment information.
How do I cancel a private training session?
Please reach out to your private trainer directly.
Class Cancellation Policy:
Class cancellations happen! Sometimes the instructor is sick, the weather is too dangerous to travel in, or 3 people or less are signed up. If the class is cancelled you will receive a text from the instructor, and an email will be sent out as well. Stay informed and up to date!
Snow policy:
Living in Central Oregon comes with a lot of wonderful benefits; but driving in the winter is not one of them. To stay informed on class schedule and cancellations please check our website, follow us on instagram, and turn on notifications for updates in your app. Morning class decisions will be made no later than 5:20am, and afternoon classes will be decided by 8:30am.
No Show Fee
Due to the high demand of classes, we request you cancel your class 12 hours in advance to give the opportunity for another member to participate. If we are not notified and you are not in attendance, there will be a $12 charge. If you reach out beforehand or extenuating circumstances permit, we will cancel the no show fee without charge or refund the fee to your account.